"I'm going to start a blog" she said. "It will be easy" she said.
Yup, and a NOPE!
Not unlike most things in life, keeping up with blogging hasn't been what I thought it would be. I thought after years of keeping journals, and writing random blurbs that I would have more than enough to say...and I do. The problem is that I'm not sure anyone ELSE wants to hear it. Ya know?
Self doubt has turned into my editor. Each time I think about writing a post, or sharing another experience, I pause. "Who cares!?" "Is it interesting, or relate-able?" "Am I going to be certifiable if I actually post this?" etc...
But this blog wasn't about all of that. I started this for myself. To have something, anything that I could call mine.
Mine, mine, mine! (insert whiny 3 year old voice here)
I wanted a place to be myself, without worrying about someone else agreeing with me or if I was setting a bad example or giving two hoots about grammar and run on sentences.
Because darn it I deserve to do something without considering anyone else but ME.
Call me selfish, go ahead. It's OK. I am, I am being 100% selfish....and I don't care! I don't care if people think it's wrong of me to take time for me. As if by taking care of myself I am less of a mother. (WRONG!) Call me dramatic, and emotional, and illiterate. It's OK. I'm OK.
Do you know why?
Because I take time for myself. It's not often, and it's not some grand event. It may be something as simple as hiding the last piece of cheesecake and eating after everyone else is asleep. Did the kids want it? Probably. Does it really matter that I didn't share? Yes.
It does matter, to me. I made one small decision to do something that would make me happy. I didn't think about how the kids would get really excited if I let them have that last piece the next day after lunch, or how eating cheesecake at 9:30 isn't healthy. I just made myself happy. I was selfish.
As mothers we spend so much of our time, actually ALL of our time providing for everyone else. Usually we leave ourselves out of the mix and that's
How can you possibly expect to do your best for others if
you aren't at
your best?!
I can't.
It's taken years of depression, and anger, and sadness to realize that I can't be everything or even
anything for someone else if I'm not OK.
I have to have an outlet. I have to take a shower by myself at least once a month. I need to eat cheesecake in the dark kitchen with a baby spoon even if it's unhealthy and weird.
I need to sleep late on a Saturday even if my husband worked late the night before and I want to buy a pair of white jeans even though it's impractical.
Because those really small things are so big for ME.
So I'm going to do better about keeping up with my blog.